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Reiko Yamada

composer & sound artist

8 x 104 sound objects (2014)
Sibylle Irma x Reiko Yamada

supported by Canada Council for the Arts, Elsewhere Studios

8 x 104” is a series of 8 interactive sound-art objects, taking forms of card, scroll, box and sculpture. Consisting of three sub-series, each object is unique in its use of sounds, materials (glass, textile and paper), and their mutual relationships. All of the objects take the aesthetic inspiration from coal and its surrounding environment.


The limitation created by the sound module and the size of each object provides visitors with intimate and personal experience with each object. Triggered by sensors, visitors are in control of starting and finishing multi-sensory experience of each piece, over 104 seconds of soundscape.

December 4, 2014, Blue Sage Center for the Arts, Paonia, Colorado, USA

December 6, 2014, Special exhibition at Radioshack, Paonia, Colorado, USA

beatscapeIrma - Yamada
00:00 / 00:12
canaryIrma - Yamada
00:00 / 00:48
coalheartIrma - Yamada
00:00 / 01:04
sedimentationIrma - Yamada
00:00 / 01:04
grainoftravelIrma - Yamada
00:00 / 01:02
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